Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quiz 3: Instructions and questions here

Ted's network:
Friends: 293
Groups: 10

  1. What they are:
    1. Purple at bottom: Internet researchers;
    2. Green at top: High school;
    3. yellow near green: family;
    4. etc for remaining groups of >8
The image and text above is what each group member needs to make and eventually upload to your group google doc.

Here is an example of what your group should collectively make:

Google Doc "How to" for making a google doc, sharing it, creating your Touchgraph image, and capturing the image.


  1. Check out the next post on the blog (about how to turn in the assignment). 
  2. Your network might stall the app if you have over 1000 friends, and they have a lot of ties to each other.   People in that boat have gotten it to run, but I don't know what the secret is.  
    1. The first thing is to try it from different computers or browsers to make sure it is not a problem with your local machine. 
    2. If that still does not work-- I have suggested that people ask a friend (with a smaller network) to run the app, get the image, and then talk to them about their graph (which group is what, what is interesting, etc.
    3. Then you can use their image and details.  Ideally you would use your own, since you would know more about it.  However,   the point is to think about how social interaction leads to different social network-- so you clearly can do that for someone else's network too. 

Handy links:

What to do:
  1. Form group (most have done this already)
  2. Give your group a name
  3. Get gmail address for all group members
    1. add your gmail address to the spreadsheet linked above (see new columns on the right)
  4. Group leader:
    1. Create the google doc
    2. Share with your group
    3. Get everyone in your group to upload their images and answers to the shared document
    4. Make sure everyone uploads their images before class on Friday
    5. See example linked near the top of this post
  5. All:
    1. Make your Touchgraph image (see "How to" linked above)
    2. Upload your image to your groups shared google doc
    3. Describe your network (see example at top, and description below)

Quiz3 Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
  1. Where do get help on how to do this?
    1. Read the "How To"
    2. Ask questions in the comments below
    3. Answer questions below if you know the answer
  2. I made my image, now what?
    1. Answer these questions about it:
      1. How many friends are in your network
      2. How many colored groups are in your network image?
      3. What does each group represent?
        1. i.e. Purple group on bottom of my image are internet researchers.
          1. see pic at top of post
          2. see example image at top of this post
  3. Questions of general interests asked in the comments below will be added here
    1. How do I get emails for people in my group?
      1. Go to the group spreadsheet (linked above)
      2. Find your group, find their school emails (from the OU website)
        1. search based on their name
      3. send one email to all of them saying:
        1. Hey-- go to the group spreadsheet and enter your gmail address
          1. (see the new columns on the right hand side)
      4. Get your group leader to send an email to everyones gmail account
        1. cc their school address if you want
        2. start a conversation about how to get the assignment done
    2. "How do I tell what the groups have in common?"
      1. That is an interesting problem-- one that depends partly on how and why you chose to accept friendships in FB. The difference groups are pretty obvious in my graph--partly because people are from different time period of my life.
        1. In each colored group-- try selecting the people who are most in the middle of that color and who have relatively large circles. Think about why they would be friends with those surrounding them but not with others.
        2. Could you post your image online, like at
        3. And then post the link in the comments below so we can look at the image too?
    3. What should we make for Friday?
      1. Check out this example: 
      3. Hope that helps
    4. Thanks to the folks who gave advice on an alternate way to save the graph image in Macs!
    5. What if I don't have a FB account?   
      1. You need to find a friend or friend of a group-mate who does have one who is willing to make an image of their network.  Then you just need to describe the groups in that network.   


    1. some asked:

      how do I get the emails of my group members?

      see FAQ above for answer

    2. how do you know what each of the clusters represent? I don't seem to notice any similiarities between the people!

    3. How do i even make the graph? I went to the website and its telling me i have to subscribe?

    4. I'm having the same problem as Carly. None of my groups share exclusive qualities compared to others.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Hey Carly and Darby-- see suggestion in FAQ above.

    7. i am having trouble getting my network set into individual groups

    8. For some reason earlierl the TouchGraph website is not letting me load any more then 10% of my friends. Once I refreshed the page, it is no longer letting me get onto the website! Is anyone else having these troubles?

    9. I can't seem to get the app to load, keeps giving me a webpage not found error

    10. We done broke teh TouchGraph App! Y'all must be very friendly! It will be back up soon--I hope-- so check on it latter tonight.

    11. Yeah I'm having the same problem as Kurt

    12. I have been trying to get this to work forever and dont know what Im supposed to do... do i go to the facebook touchgraph?

    13. The app still won't work for me. I'm also getting the webpage not found error.

    14. The app just worked from me at 8:32 pm or 5:32 server time.

    15. Actually-- scratch that. The app is not showing edges between your friends-- so it is currently useless.



    16. The shift command 4 tool isn't working for my mac. Any other suggestions on how to get the image onto the desktop?

    17. Mac users: If shift command 4 does not work, look for "Grab" under utilities which is under applications. hope that helps.

    18. For mac users: I figured out another way if you're having problems like I was.
      In the touchgraph window, there's a button that says upload. Click that, then you click 'to desktop' and when you go to put it in your google docs it will be under 'Downloads'

      Hope this is helpful!!

    19. Yea I ran into that problem with my mac, thank you it works now.

    20. I can't figure out how to post the image on google docs, I uploaded the image to my desktop and I can't get it up.

    21. Thanks Samantha for the alternative saving option.

      Sam-- you may be having problems but no one can help you unless you provide a clear description of that you are doing and where things are going wrong. That is how help online works-- you have to make it easier for people to actually help.

    22. are we supposed to answer the comparison questions that the teaching team had at the top of their document? or were those things to just think about?

    23. So I've been trying to do this all today (Sunday) because it didn't work for me last week and it hasn't worked once. It will show the toughgraph, then when I go to screenshot it all disappears and freezes. I've tried on 4 different computers and it did the same thing. I don't know what else to do about it besides keep trying but it's not looking good.

    24. hey mc- windows or mac? what are you using to get the screen shot?

    25. Hey Natalie-

      Those are examples of good types of comparisons that you could make-- but you are welcome to make other comparisons depending on what seems most relevant to your groups networks.

    26. I'm using a mac, but I've tried on pc's too, and once I press the upload button it just freezes, and it won't let me get to the rest of the process to get it out of my downloads or anything.

