Monday, January 24, 2011

7 steps to getting full credit on Quiz 3!

7 steps to getting full credit on Quiz 3!

Groups spreadsheet

Sharing and Touchgraph creating instructions

Team Teaching Touchgraph

Want to get full credit? Here are your instructions!

1)We need your OAK ID’s
We will not be able to give you a grade without one. Your Touchgraph should include this information:

Oak ID , “Name”,
Please make sure you include a comma and a space after each piece of data.
OAKID space comma first name last name space comma gmail address

Here is an example from The Instruction Team Touchgraph.

JW337711, "Jarrid Wong",
ZW450029, "Zeke Mclean",
KP298471, “Krystal Payne",
RR881029, "Rebecca Rafferty",
HW918273, “Ted Welser”,

Please make sure you include a comma and a space after each piece of data.

2) Include all components of assignment

1) OakIDs, First name last name, gmail address of all group members.

2) Touchgraphs for each student including

A) TouchGraph Image

B) Number of friends

C) Number of major groups you have

D) “What they are” Labels of Groups and colors

E) Comments of your Touchgraph and groups.

3) Comparison discussion of all Touchgraphs

A) Table including:

I) Name of student

II) Number of Friends each student has

III) Number of groups each student has.

B) 3 or 4 Comparison Discussion items about the Touchgraphs.

3) The group leader needs to share the Google Doc with all the previous information with the GA assigned to the group in the Group spreadsheet.

4) Finally, when ALL THE INFORMATION IS IN THE GOOGLE DOC. Email your GA and tell them that the Doc is completed! You need to put the same information in the email to the GA as you put in the first part of the google doc.
IE The Email should include this type of information for each group member.
JW337711, "Jarrid Wong",
ZW450029, "Zeke Mclean",
KP298471, “Krystal Payne",
RR881029, "Rebecca Rafferty",
HW918273, “Ted Welser”,

5) Extra Credit turn in due date is TODAY January 24 at midnight. (5 extra credit points to each student!)

6) Full credit credit turn in is Wednesday January 26 Midnight.

7) Do not send the GA’s attachments they will not be graded and your entire group will fail!

For students who are not in a group. You can still do the assignement. Create yourself a google doc, fill out all the relevant information. But compare your touchgraph to the Team Teaching Touchgraphs.

Share your Google Doc with the GA of your choice and send us an email when you have all the information filled in.

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